Plan A 10% APY
Open for staking from June 2024 until Dec 31, 2024, unless extended. After this date, staking might be closed, meaning that no new staking is allowed. ​
Stake minimum 1000 NAVI and earn 10% APY. ​
Lock Period
No lock.
Penalty for early withdrawal
No penalty
Earn 10% APY on $NAVI with no lock, no penalty.
Stake 1.000 $NAVI for as long as the staking program is live and earn 10% per year in rewars.
Plan B 15% APY
Open for staking from June 2024 until Dec 31, 2024, unless extended. After this date, staking might be closed, meaning that no new staking is allowed. ​
Stake minimum 1000 NAVI and earn 15% APY. ​
Lock Period
6 Months lock.
Penalty for early withdrawal
The staked amount won't be penalized, but the remaining percentage of the staking time will determine the penalty on the earned rewards.
Earn 15% APY on $NAVI with only a 6 months lock and no principal penalty.
Example of penalty
If 80% of the staking time is left, 80% of the earned amount accrued so far will be slashed / lost.
Plan C 20% APY
Open for staking from June 2024 until Dec 31, 2024, unless extended. After this date, staking might be closed, meaning that no new staking is allowed.
Stake minimum 1000 NAVI and earn 20% APY. ​
Lock Period
12 Months lock.
Penalty for early withdrawal
The staked amount won't be penalized, but the remaining percentage of the staking time will determine the penalty on the earned rewards.
Earn 20% APY on $NAVI with only a 12 months lock and no principal penalty.
Example of penalty
If 80% of the staking time is left, 80% of the earned amount accrued so far will be slashed / lost.